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Subject: September 11 and Fascism of the new type - Le 11 septembre et le fascisme de type nouveau - El 11 de septiembre y el fascismo de nuevo tipo - Reconstruction communiste Canada

FRANÇAIS - Écrivez-nous, pour nous envoyer vos commentaires ou vos articles, pour vous abonner ou vous désabonner – Reconstruction communiste Canada - pueblo@sympatico.ca
ENGLISH - Write to us, to send us your comments or your articles, to subscribe or to unsubscribe – Communist Reconstruction Canada - pueblo@sympatico.ca
ESPAÑOL – Escríbanos, para enviarnos sus comentarios o artículos, para suscribirse o darse de baja – Reconstrucción Comunista Canadá - pueblo@sympatico.ca  

FRANÇAIS - La destruction par démolition contrôlée des trois tours du World Trade Center, le 11 septembre 2001 par un secteur du gouvernement et des institutions étatsuniens (la clique Bush, des membres des 2 partis politiques, des militaires et des dirigeants des grands médias) ressemble à l'incendie du Reichstag (Parlement allemand) en 1933 par les nazis. Le 11 septembre 2001 fut un coup monté, un «inside job», un crime abominable perpétré par le secteur le plus réactionnaire de la bourgeoisie étatsunienne visant (1) à installer une dictature ouverte aux USA; et (2) à déclencher une séries de guerres d'invasion, d'occupation et de pillage. Les États-Unis et leurs alliés essayaient d'imposer leur hégémonie sur le monde, comme Hitler et les nazis ont essayé de le faire avant d'être détruits par la résistance des forces démocratiques des peuples du monde. Depuis l'adoption par le président Obama, le 31 décembre 2011, du National Defense Authorization Act, qui autorise les militaires US à arrêter sans mandat, emprisonner sans procès, torturer et tuer toute personne jugée terroriste, les États-Unis n'ont plus d'Habeas Corpus, plus de droits et de libertés civiles, plus de Constitution. Les États-Unis sont devenus une dictature fasciste de type nouveau. Nous croyons qu'il est urgent de développer des fronts unis contre la crise, le fascisme et la guerre. Nous appuyons les organisations comme le «Committee to Stop FBI Repression» (voir texte ci-dessous). Reconstruction communiste Canada - Montréal - pueblo@sympatico.ca 

ENGLISH - The destruction by controlled demolition of the three towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 by a sector of the US government and of US institutions (the Bush circles, members of two political parties, military leaders and high executives of the mainstream media) was similar to the burning of the Reichstag (the German parliament) by the Nazis in 1933. September 11, 2001 was a set-up, an inside job, an abominable crime perpetrated by the most reactionary sector of the U.S. bourgeoisie in order to (1) install an open dictatorship in the USA, and (2) initiate a series of wars of invasion, occupation and plunder. U.S. imperialism and its allies in order to try to impose their hegemony over the world, as Hitler and the nazis tried to do before being destroyed by the resistance of the democratic forces of the peoples of the world. Since the adoption by President Obama, on 31 December 2011, of the National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes the U.S. military to arrest without warrant, imprison without trial, torture and kill anyone deemed a terrorist, the United States has no longer Habeas Corpus, no rights nor civil liberties, no Constitution. The United States has become a fascist dictatorship of a new type. We believe it is urgent to develop united fronts against the crisis, fascism and war. We support organizations such as the "Committee to Stop FBI Repression" (see text below). Communist Reconstruction Canada - Montreal - pueblo@sympatico.ca

ESPAÑOL - La destrucción por demolición controlada de las tres torres del World Trade Center el 11 de septiembre de 2001 por un grupo fascista étatsunien (la camarilla de Bush, miembros de los dos partidos políticos, líderes militares y altos dirigentes de los principales medios de comunicación) es parecido al incendio del Reichstag (parlamento alemán) en 1933 por los nazis. El 11 de septiembre 2001 fue un golpe, un "trabajo interno" ("inside job"), un crimen atroz perpetrado por el sector más reaccionario de la burguesía estadounidense con el objetivo (1) de instalar una dictadura abierta a EE.UU., y (2) de iniciar una serie de guerras de invasión, de ocupación y de saqueo por el impérialismo estadounidense y sus aliados para tratar de imponer su hegemonía sobre el mundo, como Hitler y los nazis intentaron antes de ser destruidos por la resistencia de las fuerzas democraticas de los pueblos del mundo. Desde la aprobación por el presidente Obama el 31 de diciembre de 2011, la Ley de Autorización de Defensa Nacional, que autoriza a los militares de EE.UU. para detener sin orden de arresto, encarcelamiento sin juicio, tortura y mata a alguien considerado un terrorista, Estados Unidos ya no Habeas Corpus, más derechos y libertades civiles, más Constitución. Los Estados Unidos se ha convertido en una dictadura fascista como nuevo. Creemos que es urgente el desarrollo de frentes unidos contra la crisis, el fascismo y la guerra. Apoyamos a organizaciones como el "Commitee to Stop FBI Repression - Comité para Detener la Represión del FBI" (Ver texto más abajo). Reconstrucción Comunista Canadá - Montreal - pueblo@sympatico.ca 

Subject: Updates from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
From: info@stopfbi.net
To: pueblo@sympatico.ca
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 17:04:44 +0000

Updates from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

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Committee to Stop FBI Repression (stopfbi.net)

CSFR Updates and News—Happy Holidays Edition

Happy Holidays to the members, friends and supporters of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression! We have important actions for you to take. Once again, you can make a difference in the lives and holiday celebrations of anti-war and international solidarity activists and their families. We also ask that you donate directly to our work this holiday season: Click here to donate! Freedom is not free, but donations are tax deductible before the New Year!

Also, please sign the petition and place a phone call for Dr. Hamoodi TODAY (see number 6 below), and bring him home for the holidays! 

1. Maddy Pfeiffer Heads To Prison On December 26 for Resisting Grand Jury

Maddy Pfeiffer, a Northwest activist resisting a secret grand jury investigation, is being sent by Judge Richard Jones to prison on December 26. Pfeiffer joins two other activist heroes, Kteeo Olejnik and Matt Duran, refusing to answer questions about their friends. Maddy Pfeiffer attended a contempt of court hearing on December 14 and activists organized a last minute call in to the courts. For full story and updates: http://nopoliticalrepression.wordpress.com/

2. Brittany Kenville Opposes Grand Jury in San Francisco, CA

Brittany Kenville is an animal rights activist who was subpoenaed as a witness to a grand jury convened in San Francisco. Kenville says, “I am adamantly opposed to these proceedings. I believe that they are unjust and an appalling misuse of prosecutorial power. Using grand juries to harass activist communities does not serve justice, it is simply a means of political repression.” Read more at the Because We Must website and at the Green is the New Red website.

3. Nate Buckley Goes To Court On December 20, Buffalo NY

Anti-war organizer Nate Buckley goes to court again in his now year and a half journey for justice. Police are targeting Buckley because of his anti-war and prisoner support activism. Buckley supporters are hoping the judge will make a decision for “the dismissal of charges in the furtherance of justice”. The problem for the police is that they were caught on video. The police are working overtime, and getting paid for it, to harass this righteous young man. Nate Buckley is prepared along with his legal team to proceed to trial: Click here to get the Nate Buckley support website.

4. An Injury To One Is An Injury To All--Civil Liberties Conference

Tracy Molm and Tom Burke, two of the 23 anti-war and international solidarity activists raided and subpoenaed by the FBI, contributed to a tremendous lineup of speakers in Connecticut. Journalist Glen Greenwald was the keynote and Chris Gavreau of Connecticut brought it all together and led it forward. Here is a Fight Back! News story. For Connecticut organizing updates go to CT Coalition to Stop Indefinite Detention site.

5. $1,450 to loved ones in Somalia results in 8 years in U.S. prison for Nima Ali Yusuf

A young woman and well-known community activist, Nima Ali Yusuf, was sentenced to 8years in prison for sending $1450 to friends in Somalia. Mick Kelly, of the Committee to Stop Repression, states, “A good person who did good things is being sent to prison for a very long time. The government wants to criminalize people who support a Somalia that is independent of foreign domination. She should be released at once.”

Click here to read about Nima Ali Yusuf's case.

6. President Barack Obama: Commute the 36-month sentence of Dr. Shakir Hamoodi. Please take action TODAY.

Step One: Please read and sign the Dr. Hamoodi petition.
Dr. Hamoodi is in prison for 3 years for sending money to family and friends in Iraq. You can read about it at Dr. Hamoodi petition.

Step Two: A plea from the good Dr.’s family to contact Sen. Claire McCaskill

"Urgent need to contact U. S. Senator Claire McCaskill and solicit her assistance in obtaining commutation of sentence imposed on Shakir Hamoodi

Dear Friend,
You recently signed a Petition supporting the granting of Presidential clemency to Shakir Hamoodi. The month of December is the month when the U.S. President typically considers granting clemency to persons convicted of federal crimes. With the recent Presidential election behind us, we believe that the time will never be better for the President to favorably consider clemency for Shakir Hamoodi. We are not asking that his conviction be reversed or that he be pardoned; instead we are only asking that the egregious sentence imposed upon him of 36 months in prison be reduced to time served so that he can immediately come home to his family.

Unfortunately, there are many people throughout the United States who believe that their cases are equally compelling. Everyone is clamoring for the President's attention. However, persons in a position of power are able to "short-circuit" this process and move applications for clemency "to the top of the pile" for consideration. Senator Clair McCaskill is one such person in a position of influence.

We need you to contact her office by any means you believe appropriate and ask her to help get Shakir's situation before President Obama. We want her to know there are many people who believe strongly that the sentence imposed on Shakir Hamoodi was grossly inappropriate and needs to be corrected as soon as humanly possible. We have furnished her office with numerous materials in support. A Petition signed by more than 7,000 people requesting that the President grant clemency to Shakir Hamoodi exists, and numerous newspaper editorials have been written favoring such clemency. All of that information is in the possession of her office staff. However, unless she takes a personal interest in this case and asks the President to favorably consider Shakir Hamoodi's Petition, it simply will not happen. It is unlikely that she will consider making an effort on Shakir's behalf unless you and many other interested persons such as you personally contact her office and ask that this case be brought to the President's immediate attention.

I know that contacting politicians is not an easy thing to do. However, when many constituents contact a Senator about a specific issue, that has the most beneficial effect on the Senator's willingness to get involved. Thus we hope that you will use any means at your disposal to try to get this issue before Senator McCaskill as soon as possible. Her contact information is below.

Write a letter:
Office of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill
United States Senate
Hart Senate Office Building, Suite 506
Washington, D.C. 20510

Email - Click here to send and email to Senator McCaskill

Call Senator McCaskill in Washington D.C. at 202-224-6154 or Kansas City, MO at 816-421-1639 or St. Louis, MO at 314-367-1364 or Columbia, MO at 573-442-7130.

Thank you very much for your efforts on Shakir's behalf. His family appreciates it more than you can know.

Sincerely, Owais Hamoodi
You can email me directly at hamoodifamily@gmail.com.

7. Call-in day to Assistant US Attorney Barry Jonas on January 24, 2013.

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is asking leaders and organizations to hold the date of Thursday, January 24, 2013 open for a national call in day to Assistant US Attorney Barry Jonas in Chicago. We are demanding that Barry Jonas publicly drop the “ongoing investigation” against the 23 anti-war and international solidarity activists. We are also demanding Barry Jonas return the personal belongings of Palestinian-American

activist Hatem Abudayyeh of Chicago. Barry Jonas is the prosecutor responsible for putting Muslim charity leaders known as the Holy Land Five in prison for between 15 and 65 years in Dallas, Texas. See: http://freedomtogive.com/

For more info on Hatem Abudayyeh of the 23 anti-war activists go the CSFR webpage

Again, Happy Holidays to all and thanks for your support!

-- your friends from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

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Copyright © 2012 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved.
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists!
Our mailing address is:

Committee to Stop FBI Repression

PO Box 14183

Minneapolis, MN 55414

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Source : Democrite

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Merci beaucoup ami Goras. Le camarade qui m'a adressé ce texte est un combattant anticolonialiste de longue date, qui a fait de la prison en Afrique du Sud pour son combat contre l'apartheid.
Goras Gaglozoun : Quand j'ai lu le texte je l'ai partagé aussitôt parce que j'avais déjà lu le livre d'un journaliste il y a quelques années.Le livre en question portait le titre : l'Effroyable<br /> Imposture! et avait montré que tout ce qui se disait était un gros mensonge juste pour continuer à dominer le monde.Les capitalistes sont capables de tout et ne reculent devant aucun crime pour<br /> atteindre leurs objectifs d'exploitation et de profit Bonne journée à vous et autour de vous!
Bonjour Goras, voilà encore des vérités qui vont déranger les yankees qui crèvent d'envie de déclencher leur 3ème guerre mondiale